
Healthcare Disclaimer 

The Relaxed Woman services and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any psychological or medical conditions.

You understand and agree that this website and our products and/or e-courses are intended to provide information and education and are not intended as medical, psychological, or psychiatric advice. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical, psychological, or psychiatric advice, diagnosis, or treatment for your individual condition and circumstance. You should always consult with a licensed and/or registered health care professional before making any health or dietary changes or beginning any exercise program. Do not stop taking any prescribed medications or disregard or delay seeking medical advice based on any information contained on this website or in our products and/or e-courses. You should consult with a licensed and/or registered health care professional about your individual condition and circumstance. 

The information provided on www.therelaxedwoman.com and its content, products and/or e-courses purchased there from is believed accurate when made. However, health advice is often subject to updating and refining due to medical research and developments and we do not warrant or represent that such information is or will always be current, accurate, and/or complete. We are committed to bringing you the most up to date information, however, we make no guarantee that the information herein is the most recent on any particular subject. You agree that we are not responsible for the accuracy of our website or for any errors or omissions in its content or in our products and/or e-courses purchased therefrom or via materials requested through email. 

The information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, express or implied. You agree that The Relaxed Woman and  www.therelaxedwoman.com are not liable to you or others in any way for damages of any kind arising from the use of our website or its content, or products and/or e-courses purchased therefrom, or via materials requested through email, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, and/or special damages. 

By using our website and its content or purchasing a product and/or e-course from our website or requesting materials via email, you agree to this limitation of liability and release The Relaxed Woman, www.therelaxedwoman.com and any person or entity involved with The Relaxed Woman from any and all claims.


