
When was the last time you truly relaxed?

The Relaxed Woman’s unique coaching and workshops are grounded in neuroscience, psychology, physiology, sociology and spirituality. Our philosophy is rooted in letting our bodies and brains know that we’re safe enough to relax, that we’re worthy enough to relax, and that, by relaxing, we can show up as grounded, relaxed, joy-filled women who have the energy to take care of ourselves, each other and the world around us.  

Get started

Free How To Relax Workshop

Do you feel guilty for relaxing, measure your self-worth by your productivity and never feel you’ve worked hard enough to deserve rest?

If so, this free workshop is for you.

Start Relaxing

When was the last time you fully relaxed? When was the last time you felt worthy of pleasure, slowness, nourishment and compassion? When was the last time you felt safe enough to rest?


Growing up, I never knew a relaxed woman. 

Successful women? Yes. Productive women? Plenty. Anxious and afraid and apologetic women? Heaps of them. 

I know strong women and kind women and brave women. I know creative women and courageous women and compassionate women. I know athletic women and adventurous women and academic women. I know women who spend their lives hiding and women who long to be seen. I know women who beat themselves up and women who tear themselves down. I know women who are hurting and women who are healing. I know women who are fierce and women who are gentle.

But relaxed women? At-ease women? Women who don’t measure their self-worth by their productivity? Women who prioritise rest, pleasure and play? Women who aren’t afraid to take up space in the world? Women who give themselves unconditional permission to relax – without guilt, without apology, without feeling like they need to earn it? 

I’m not sure I’ve ever met a woman like that. 

But I would like to become one. 

I would like us all to become one. 

And so, I started developing my own process for becoming the relaxed woman I yearned to be.

The woman who trusts her intuition, who rests when she’s tired and asks for help when she is hurting.

The woman who lives by her values, who doesn’t strive for perfection or treat busyness as a status symbol, who knows her worth is rooted in something deeper than external success and materialistic achievements.   

The woman who puts her whole heart into what matters deeply to her and role models another way of being – a slower, calmer, more beautiful way of living – to other women and the world. 

As a psychologist, I have spent the last few years devoting my work to researching the relaxed woman – Who is she? What matters to her? How does she care for herself and the world around her? What does she dedicate her life to? – and supporting other women to become relaxed women through learning how to rest, how to regulate their stress systems, how to nurture their relationships, release their limiting beliefs and realise their worth. 

This is the process that I’m sharing with you. A process made up of gentle practices that cultivate self-awareness and self-compassion, rewire your brain and reshape your nervous system, and reconnect you with your worth, your power and your joy.


Wondering where to start?

Our group coaching programmes and workshops are designed to gently guide you through the process of becoming a Relaxed Woman, holding your hand as you learn about the impact stress and trauma have had on your body, brain, beliefs and behaviours, so that you can move from a place of anxiety, overwhelm and exhaustion to a place of peace, freedom and joy.

Deep Rest Group Coaching

Join Nicola for an immersive 6-week group coaching course designed to help you live with less stress and more joy. If you want to recover from stress and release the guilt that stops you from resting with the safety and support of a loving community, this is for you. 

All coaching sessions are online (via Zoom) so you can join us wherever you are in the world. They'll be recorded for anyone who can't make the sessions live.

Find out more

The Relaxed Woman Journey

Our self-paced workshops are evolving and we're currently creating a brand new membership to guide you on the messy, magical journey of becoming a relaxed woman. It's going to be full of educational webinars, inspiring articles, guided relaxations, journal prompts, breath work, somatic healing practices, nourishing recipes, gentle movement routines – and lots more!

If you'd like to know when The Relaxed Woman Journey launches, please sign up to our newsletter below. 


Wondering where to start?

Our group coaching programmes and workshops are designed to gently guide you through the process of becoming a Relaxed Woman, holding your hand as you learn about the impact stress and trauma have had on your body, brain, beliefs and behaviours, so that you can move from a place of anxiety, overwhelm and exhaustion to a place of peace, freedom and joy.

Deep Rest Group Coaching

Join Nicola for an immersive 6-week group coaching course designed to help you live with less stress and more joy. If you want to recover from stress and release the guilt that stops you from resting with the safety and support of a loving community, this is for you. 

All coaching sessions are online (via Zoom) so you can join us wherever you are in the world. They'll be recorded for anyone who can't make the sessions live.

Find out more

The Relaxed Woman Journey

Our self-paced workshops are evolving and we're currently creating a brand new membership to guide you on the messy, magical journey of becoming a relaxed woman. It's going to be full of educational webinars, inspiring articles, guided relaxations, journal prompts, breath work, somatic healing practices, nourishing recipes, gentle movement routines – and lots more!

Sign up to our newsletter:

Read. Reflect. Rest.

Read. Reflect. Rest. is our weekly newsletter. Every Sunday, we send it out to thousands of people. Each newsletter includes some inspiring words to read, a few self-enquiry questions to reflect on and a rest ritual to practice.

We'll also keep you updated with our latest offerings. 

Enter your email and sign up for free.

We respect your privacy and will never send you spam or share your details.

Join The Relaxed Woman Society on Facebook

Join our blossoming community! Connect with thousands of other women who are healing from stress, learning to relax and exploring a slower, more gentle way of being alive. Ask questions, share your experiences, get involved in live Q&As, bookclubs and lots more.

Join Us

Explore our 1:1 & corporate coaching

Relaxed Woman coaching

For ambitious women who want to make a difference in the world without burning themselves out. Get support with a specific niggle, decision or challenge in a 90-minute coaching session or get longer term support for deeper career, relationship and life transformation with our 12-week coaching package.

Find out more

Leadership coaching & corporate consultancy

For forward-thinking leaders and executives who want to nurture the women in their organisations and get the support they need to do their most meaningful work. We create bespoke experiences to guide you and your people on the path of personal, professional and organisational transformation.

Find out more

As women, how can we participate in creating a world where we feel safe enough and worthy enough to rest?

Through my research, my hope is that, together, we can begin creating a world where women feel safe enough and worthy enough to rest. I'm currently researching women’s relationship with rest and would love to speak with anyone (via email, Zoom or in-person) who would be happy have a chat to explore all things rest, relaxation, productivity, patriarchy, motherhood, multi-tasking, overworking, overwhelm, slowness, stillness, anxiety, awe – and anything else that might unfold!

Take part

Everyone is welcome

Whilst The Relaxed Woman is designed to meet the unique needs of women and help them cope with the stresses and struggles they experience, everyone is welcome. Whether you’re a woman who wants to explore a more relaxed way of being or another gender who’d like to take care of yourself more deeply and support the women in your life, you're welcome here.

About our founder: Nicola Jane Hobbs

Nicola is a chartered psychologist, researcher and author. She loves handstands, juggling, growing her own vegetables and exploring nature with her family. She lives in Brighton, by the sea. You can connect with her @nicolajanehobbs.

A New Way Of Doing Business

It’s taken a couple of years to bring The Relaxed Woman to life. Partly because I wanted to create it slowly, tenderly and gently – as a relaxed woman. But mainly because there’s something about traditional business models that simply doesn’t sit right with me. And so, over the last few years, I’ve been studying matriarchal societies and discovered another way of doing business, one where masculine values such as dominance, productivity and materialism are no longer idealised.

Instead, The Relaxed Woman embraces the maternal values of nurturing, helping and loving one another, of mothering our bodies, our relationships and the Earth on which we live, of sharing resources so together, we can thrive.

Instead of economic growth, The Relaxed Woman defines success as its capacity to share wealth. Everyone involved in the business is paid a fair wage and we are committed to supporting the development of Women's Rest Nests. The word 'nest' originates from the Sanskrit word nidah, which translates as 'resting place'. Women's Rest Nests are volunteer-led, community-based spaces for women to come together to connect, create and rest. If you are interested in creating a Rest Nest in your community please get in touch.

Our intention is to make The Relaxed Woman available to everyone, regardless of financial circumstance. While we need to function as a business, we never want money to be the reason why someone can't benefit from what we've created. If you truly can't afford the cost of workshops, please get in touch.