
Join us for an immersive 6-week group coaching course designed to help you live with less stress and more joy. 

Most of us are living in a rest deficit. And we’ve probably been living in it for so long that we’ve forgotten how joyful and energised it’s possible to feel. If you want to recover from stress and release the guilt that stops you from resting with the safety and support of a loving community, this is for you. 
  • Escape the cycle of toxic productivity, compulsive busyness and burnout, learn how to honour your stress-rest rhythms and rediscover your most relaxed, loving, empowered self. 

  • Discover the 10 different types of rest and create a toolkit of rest rituals to weave into your everyday life.

  • Experience what being in a state of deep rest actually feels like with Deep Relaxations (our unique blend of yoga nidra, self-hypnosis and meditation).

  • Get six weeks of group coaching sessions with Nicola, as well as in-between session support in our private community and six months access to the Deep Rest workshop to continue your Relaxed Woman journey.

Waiting list

Get on the waiting list.

Our summer round of the Deep Rest Coaching Course is now sold out. Just pop your details in the form below and you'll be the first to know when doors open for next round of Deep Rest. Please note, I am currently on maternity leave so the next round of Deep Rest will launch in January 2025.

When was the last time you weren’t doing? Worrying? Striving? Achieving? Rushing? Planning? Wanting? Consuming? When was the last time you let yourself rest? When was the last time you let yourself be? When was the last time you felt inner stillness? When was the last time you felt safe, worthy and free?


Deep Rest is an intimate 6-week group coaching course for women who want to escape the cycle of joyless striving and compulsive busyness and learn to feel safe enough to slow down, safe enough to relax, safe enough to rest without feeling like they need to earn it.

Over six weeks we'll explore our relationship with rest and the common barriers to giving ourselves the rest we need such as perfectionism, people-pleasing, relaxation-induced anxiety, hyperambition, productivity addiction, guilt and shame. 

You'll learn how to 'switch off' your stress response so your nervous system knows that it's safe to rest, and you'll experience how being in a state of deep rest actually feels through guided relaxations.

You'll discover the 10 types of rest and how you can practise them so that you can become a Relaxed Woman. A woman who feels safe enough and worthy enough to rest. A woman who feels okay with her to-do list being left unfinished, with things being imperfect, with things being messy and uncertain and unknown. A woman who has the capacity to pursue the goals that matter to her, to live by her deepest values, to take care of herself, those she loves and the world around her.

Waiting list

Paula Evans


Deep Rest was fabulous and has had a real impact. Before I started the coaching course my mind was scattered and I was always rushing. I now have much more awareness of when I’m feeling stressed and tools and resources to use when I am. I’ve loved the content and really enjoyed being part of a group so we could share experiences. The course has been brilliant and shown me how much deep rest is needed in the world."

Priya Vivian

"The Deep Rest course has been life changing. Before the course, I was feeling very stressed all the time and knew I needed to understand myself better. The course was a big investment but the Universe kept telling me again and again that I needed to learn how to relax and I’m so grateful I did. I absolutely loved the weekly sessions and listening to very interesting people from across the world having relatable struggles no matter how different we were in cultures, age and professions. I felt such a deep sense of not being alone. The course will always be a gentle guiding reminder for me to be eternally kind with myself." 

Stephanie Smith


Deep Rest felt like a very sacred space and has been very therapeutic. Before doing the course, I always felt rushed, had an inner pressure to always be doing more and was finding myself feeling stressed and overwhelmed. I’ve loved learning the science behind stress and rest and being part of a community of women where we could all speak freely together. The course has inspired me creatively and had a ripple effect on my family too. And, I no longer rush!"

Instead of asking, 'Have I worked hard enough to deserve rest?', I've started asking, 'Have I rested enough to do my most loving and meaningful work?'

This coaching course is for you if you...

  • Feel guilty when you’re not being productive but know that not resting is harming your wellbeing.
  • Feel anxious when you slow down and don't know how to truly rest and relax.
  • Spend most of your days in a state of fight-or-flight, ping ponging between compulsive busyness and utter exhaustion.
  • Struggle with chronic fatigue, headaches, bloating, insomnia, anxiety and other health consequences of chronic stress.
  • Know that some of the ways that you cope with stress – such as overworking, mindless scrolling and compulsive busyness – no longer serve you but are finding it difficult to release them.
  • Want to discover your barriers to rest and how to overcome them.
  • Long to make a difference in the world but don’t have the energy to fight for the causes you believe in.
  • Would like more support than self-paced workshops but don't need as intense support as 1:1 coaching. 
  • Would like a loving community to share your experiences and get support from. 

If we want to live more restful lives, we have to actually allow ourselves to rest.

After the Deep Rest course you will...

  • Know how to 'switch off' your stress response and access states of deep rest.
  • Have toolkit of simple rest rituals to weave into your day.
  • Understand the science and psychology of stress and rest.
  • Know how to honour your stress-rest rhythms.
  • Be aware of the differences between healthy and unhealthy stress. 
  • Have unlearnt the childhood and cultural conditioning that has got in the way of you allowing yourself the rest you need.
  • Have a deep understanding of the 10 types of stress and 10 types of rest and know how to identify the type of rest you need to recover from the type of stress you're experiencing. 
  • Have created embodied memories of what being in a state of rest and relaxation feels like, making it easier to access states of deep rest in the future.
  • Have expanded the capacity of your nervous system to experience more pleasure, more rest, more play and more joy.

The opposite of rest isn't work. It's burnout.

This coaching course includes...

  • Weekly group coaching sessions with Nicola via Zoom every Monday at 7pm BST for 6 weeks, beginning October 2nd.
  • 6 months access to the Deep Rest online workshop. This 12 module workshop supports our work together in-sessions and allows you to continue your Relaxed Woman journey.
  • Recordings of all coaching sessions for those who can't make the sessions live.
  • Psychoeducation on stress, rest and stress-rest rhythms.
  • Hundreds of simple rest rituals to explore. 
  • Gentle guidance using our unique three step formula: Inner safety + Compassionate openness + Loving action. 
  • 12 Deep Relaxations – our unique blend of yoga nidra, meditation and self-hypnosis.
  • In-between session support via Whatsapp.

Over our six weeks together we'll explore... 

(just click on the plus sign to find out more)

Because our relationship with rest is something that transforms over time, as well as our six weeks together, you'll also have continued access to the 12-module Deep Rest workshop for six months so that you can continue to listen to the library of Deep Relaxations (I'd recommend listening to one most days if you can) to support you in accessing states of deep rest. Plus you'll have continued access to all recordings of our coaching sessions, as well as educational resources and journal prompts to continue to explore.

Waiting list

How the course works.


You'll have access to the Deep Rest modules we'll be exploring in our coaching session on Monday so you can have a little look over the weekend. Modules include journal prompts, Deep Relaxations and educational and inspirational material. You don't have to read through everything before the session but you'll have access to it if you'd like to get a sense for what we'll be exploring. 


We'll meet for our group coaching session via Zoom at 7-8pm BST. All sessions will be recorded for those who can't attend live. There'll be additional time at the end of each session for sharing insights and asking questions.


In between coaching sessions, I'd recommend the following:

  • Practise the two Deep Relaxations for that week at least once each (there's one Deep Relaxation for each type of rest). These are around 20 minutes each and you simply need to lie down and listen. 
  • Explore the journal prompts for each module. 
  • Read through the simple science on rest so you can have a deeper understanding of each type of stress and rest and how they impact your body and brain.
  • Weave the rest rituals we've explored in our coaching session into your daily life. 
  • You can also engage with our WhatsApp group as much or as little as you like.

The time commitment for this course is 1-2 hours a week plus any additional time you'd like to spend experimenting with rest rituals and listening to the Deep Relaxation practices. The course is designed to be able to dip in and out of so you can fit it in around your life. 

Six weeks onwards

  • You'll have continued access to all resources for six months so I'd recommend continuing to use the Deep Relaxations 3-4 times a week and revisiting each module whenever you feel that you'd like to incorporate more restful experiences into your life.
Waiting list

Claire Smith


I finally realise what relaxation feels like in my body! I can actually tell when I’m stressed and when I need to slow down to enter a state of rest. I loved meeting other women and learning so much as a group and from so many other experiences. I have learnt so much from the Deep Rest course and shared what I have learnt with so many. If you’re thinking of signing up, it’s most definitely worthwhile!"

Anna Munday


"I have always struggled with resting. More recently I have been having difficulties with sleep, chronic pain and fatigue and knew it was time to take action and look after myself. Initially I was worried about how I would fit in the course around work and study but pace of the coaching and level of support have been superb. The Deep Rest course helped me strike a much better work-rest balance, I've been more productive in work and I've also noticed a significant difference in my pain symptoms.


“Deep Rest really is the best course I’ve ever done. Before I started the course, I constantly felt stressed and it was affecting my health. I felt so deeply connected with Nicola and her message and I really enjoyed the sense of community and the simplicity of the rest practices. The course was an investment in myself. I understand myself and my stress patterns way better now, I am more compassionate with myself and I enjoy the simple things in life more."

Meet your coach

Nicola Jane Hobbs

Nicola is a chartered psychologist, researcher, author and founder of The Relaxed Woman. She has been teaching yoga and meditation for over a decade and loves to blend science, spirituality and storytelling. In her free time you can find her handstanding, juggling, growing her own vegetables and exploring nature with her family. She lives in Brighton, by the sea. You can connect with her @nicolajanehobbs.